We are experts in cloud development, building solutions in Amazon AWS, Azure, and Rackspace. Beginning in 2006 we started developing solutions in AWS for banks and financial institutions, leveraging the inexpensive infrastructure to introduce and scale new solutions within a traditionally very expensive environment. When investors came to us asking if we could leverage cloud infrastructure to help them validate their solution while minimizing costs and maintinaing a posture that would facilitate scaling the solution to support millions of users and simultaneous connections we delightfully responded with a resounding "Yes!". We engineered and built the first auto-scaling engine that evenutally became a blueprint for the services everyone enjoys in most cloud vendor packages. We have migrated production systems from private data centers into the cloud with minimal downtime and savings reaching more than $500,000 annually. We have developed mission critical enterprise class solutions supporting banks, fortune 500 companies, as well as healthcare and entertainment equipment manufacturers.